Cannabis can be used for stress, anxiety, depression and can help treat glaucoma. Some other benefits include help with insomnia as it promotes deeper sleep and can increase your appetite.
Indica has higher levels of CBD (cannabinoids) and has a pleasant relaxing body high. CBD’s can be used to remedy many different health conditions. They are a natural anti inflammatory and can be used to treat some forms of cancer before they reach advanced stages. Indica is considered more of a night time bud. It helps remedy insomnia and can be used for pain relief and relaxation.
Hybrids are part sativa and indica and vary from strain to strain. Some strains are more indica dominant and others can be more sativa dominant. Hybrids have the best of both worlds and help with stress, anxiety and insomnia.
Sativa has a more energetic and uplifting cerebral effect. Sativa’s are considered a daytime bud and can also fight symptoms of depression. Sativa’s also help remedy ADD and loss of appetite.